
“Under your skin”

On the occasion of the 2015 Rare Disease Day, the Genodermatoses Network organized an international art contest in order to raise awareness about rare skin disorders. The theme of the drawings was “Under your skin”.

Learn more about the Rare Disease Day

Congratulations to the winners!

PNGWe are really pleased that so many people from 8 different countries participated in the Genodermatoses Network Drawing Contest. For a first edition, it was a success and we hope next year will bring more participants !

This contest was set up to raise awareness about rare skin disorders. The theme : under your skin inspired the participants in many different ways and showed the diversity of feelings when it comes to skin issues.

Congratulations to the 9 winners!

  • In the adult category

First prize

Second prize

Third prize

  • In the 7-12 category

First prize

Second prize

Third prize

  • In the 0-7 category

First prize

Second prize

Third prize

Jury members:

  • Johann Bauer, Head of the Department of Dermatology, Paracelsus Medical University Salzbourg & Past President of the Genodermatoses Network Scientifc Committee
  • Christine Bodemer, Head of the Department of Dermatology, Hôpital Necker - Enfants Malades & President of the Genodermatoses Network Scientifc Committee
  • John Dart, COO, DEBRA International
  • Maya El-Hachem, Head of the Department of Dermatology, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome & President-elect of the Genodermatoses Network Scientifc Committee
  • Olivia Gross Khalifa, President of the AFDE, Ectodermal Dysplasia French Association
  • Françoise Séris, Scientific and Medical Relation Manager, Les Enfants de la Lune, the French XP Support Group
  • Geske Wehr, CEO, European Network for Icthyosis



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