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Art Contest

Once again this year, many of you took part in the René Touraine Foundation’s annual art contest, thank you all for your enthusiastic entries!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us! Thank you for expressing your beauty, your fears, your hopes, your rages, your strength, your passion! It is always a pleasure to admire your artworks and to read your messages.

Congratulations to the 2024 winners! Details of their artworks are on the contest website: https://thestoryofmyskin.wordpress.com/ .

Since 2015, the Fondation René Touraine, through its Rare Diseases Network, has set up an art contest to make aware of rare skin diseases, to allow patients to express themselves and to encourage discussion.

The art contest is an international event open to all! Whether you are patient, professional or just curious, we all have skin. Everyone can express his feelings about his own skin, about the disease and those of others.

Each year, the theme is different but always in relation to the skin and rare diseases. The theme for this 2024 year is "my skin and you"!

2024 Winners


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2023 Winners


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2022 Winners


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2021 Winners


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2020 Winners


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2019 Winners


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2018 Winners


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2017 Winners


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2016 Winners


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2015 Winners


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